Sunday, April 16, 2023

In Sickness & In Stall

Well, I've been sick all weekend. Actually, I think I started feeling sick last Wednesday, but that's neither here nor there. It's either bad allergies, a cold, or some sort of mucus building ailment that's got me coughing my lungs out. I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow. 

However, even in Sickness, your animals always need you. I'm fortunate that Rob was able to handle the majority of the nighttime routine, but I still did some. Animals like routine and I'm part of that routine. And yes, I love that. 

Patches and Fancy though were too much for me. They're always playful, but I did not have the energy tonight. Once I got them in the barn, Rob got them in the rest of the way. You can see the side eye Patches gave me for that maneuver!