Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Wee One

All of our visit cows started with our wee one, Fiona. Out of all of our cows, she has the most personality and if you gain her approval, then you've gained everyone's. Meaning, you earn her trust in you, it's not freely given. 

Now, many would say that's not a very cuddly cow. Oh, but you'd be so wrong. She loves the attention and if you pet her behind the horns, she's in pure bliss. She dances to the beat of her own drum, but, and this is the funny part, she makes everyone else then dance to that tune. I don't talk about her enough, but she and I have a special bond that for me hooked on Highlands. One day, I hope she'll come around to allowing everyone to see her playful nature. 

In the meantime, Gator was here this evening and she waited until he was facing her direction to then unleash Niagara Falls. Classy cow she is and I absolutely love her!