Monday, April 24, 2023


Until we determine the sex, the newest kid is getting called Onyx. I'm thinking Onyx is a female from the briefest glimpse she allowed me. While she loves to be held, is a Houdini when getting out of the stall, she is adamant no one looks at her privates. She's able to smack that tail down and squirm until I give up. 

Granted, I'm a softy and it doesn't matter immediately if Onyx is male or female. All that matters is she lets me cuddle her better than any other kid we've ever had. It's probably a good thing we don't have a barndo yet, because Onyx has all the makings of being an awesome pet. 

The ducks are also a mainstay on our farm now for most of the time. In fact, the only time they leave to go home is to lay their eggs. How rude! I might just pick up some ducks myself, the rest of the animals seem to enjoy their company.