Today's been a busy day, so I'll type fast. Caledonia is doing great and it only took her two days to figure out she needs to listen to her mama. When Ciarán says it's time to leave the barn, she goes. When Ciarán wants to go to a different part of the pasture, Caledonia follows right behind. Tonight though was the cutest. When I opened that squeaky gate to the barn, in walks Fiona, then Brogan, Flora, them Coorie, Ciarán and finally, Caledonia! Yes, she walked right in line and went right into the stall. Cows are just awesome.
On the barndo side of things, we've got air conditioning! Miller's Electric has been here this week knocking out switches, plugs, fixtures and today, air conditioning! We're supposed to hit triple digits this weekend, between the pool and the air conditioned barndo, we're set!
No, I haven't gotten to swim in the pool yet. James, our pool boy, has been out here daily getting it all cleaned up and balanced. He said hopefully tomorrow!
Yes, mama is drooling. She's keeping herself hydrated and forgets that last swallow matters, ha!