Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Some Farm Fun

One of the things we've enjoyed doing, is showing off our animals to visitors. One day, we'll turn it into a formal affair for everyone, but right now it's just for our friends. Tonight, we got to take a new friend couple on a little tour and they loved it!

Here's one thing I've got to do in the future though, make sure Ciarán is fed if it's her feeding time. This is not a girl who wants to be polite when she's hungry. She didn't do anything to our guests, but I'll sure Flora and Maesie didn't enjoy her head butting them!

I think I'm also going to install one of those hand sanitizer dispensers at the barn. I think that's just an overall good idea. Our animals aren't the cleanest after all!

We'll be looking forward to some extra special visitors on Saturday to the farm. In the meantime, we'll make sure to have Ciarán well fed.