Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sidewinder Squawk

In case y'all don't remember, because I rarely mention them, we've got three different breeds of chickens. Our original ones are Chickadee (Plymouth Rocks), Hennifer (Rhode Island Reds), and last year's addition were mutts with some Americauna in them. One of those was a deformed, but healthy, chick who can only walk sideways, so that group of chickens we call Sidewinder. 

Anyhow, Chickadee and Hennifer are the warmer month egg layers. Wonderful news, Sidewinder are cooler month layers! Now, they all lay throughout the year, however their eggs are larger when it's their season. I say all that because one more little Sidewinder is squeezing out the largest eggs ever! I had a large baby, I can feel her pain. 

I'd try to help if I could, but I know it's because they're enjoying the spent grain (going to start calling it mash now) just as much as everyone else.