Monday, May 6, 2024

City Hall

Even though Rob and I are not technically part of the city, we decided to take in our first city council meeting. I've been to several other city council meetings when I worked as a journalist, but they're all basically the same. Well, maybe just a tad different here. 

Here, the city makes up less than a thousand residents. They don't have to worry about traffic congestion issues, but maybe about loose cattle? There's no major issues and this meeting was quite tame, but I hear the June one might be more spicy. Oh, and in the visitor's section, there was one family, one single gentleman, and Rob and I. But we don't technically count since we're not citizens of the city. It was fortunate we got a seat! Haha

Tomorrow's fun is Marshmallow goes to her new home! She'll be missed, but again, I can't keep them all. 

Chip and Marshmallow