Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Pool Season!

With the heat and the humidity this afternoon, it was a perfect day to open up the pool for swimming season. Technically, we were in a tornado watch, but with clear skies overhead, we splashed in. 

Reggie, of course, was ecstatic we were swimming. He's actually been swimming in the pool since the end of March, but it was still too cool and dirty for us. The other pups got a dip in, forcefully, yet I think Tootsie might actually begin to enjoy it. Teddy is fine if I'm holding him in the pool though that gets old for me. 

Rob and I were just glad to enjoy the pool and not go off to another meeting. He lounged around while I actually swam and did exercises. I better see results tomorrow haha. 

Didn't mean to block Reggie in this shot