Sunday, May 26, 2024

Jersey Giants

We've got ten new occupants to Fur Real Farms! Ten Jersey Giant hens to give us bunches of more eggs. We're now to a grand total of 24 chickens. 

If y'all are keeping score, we've actually lost two since keeping chickens. One died in the barn with no markings on her and we think she may have gotten in the way of the mama goats when they were in the nursery. The other, she was just the other day and we think a dog played with her too hard. She was out of the three fence protection and if it wasn't our dogs, it could have been one of the other beasts that wander through our overgrown land. 

However, we're pleased we've done so well with the chickens we do have. Rob's looking into grading the eggs and I'm still selling them to my friends. Well, those eggs we don't use ourselves!