Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Are You Ok?

I always worry about my animals. I always want them healthy, happy and safe. Sometimes though, they make me worry more than I should. 

Case in point, we were a little cooler today. Thanks to some afternoon overcast, it wasn't melting heat. All the animals except Fiona came out to play and we just figured she didn't want to give up her fan. Nope, turns out she had locked herself into the goat pen. Again. Now, we'll have to make sure to lock the gate open during the day just for her. 

Then, during feeding, Fancy goes to the corner of the barn and starts puffing. I start checking her to see if she's got a fever or sick in some way. I finally freak out enough to call Rob to come look and when I put my phone back into the fanny pack I use for treats, she breaks out of whatever state she was in and walks over for a treat. Sigh, Fancy don't scare me like that!

Everyone's well and it appears I just need to take a chill pill and relax. Tomorrow though, I'm going to be more hip to their games!