Ironically, we've been fortunate to not see snakes like we did at our old house. At our previous residence, we had cottonmouths,a few rattlesnakes, and a whole bunch of copperheads. It got to where I didn't walk around at night for fear of coming across one. Yes, I'm petrified of snakes. Here, Rob has seen exactly one grass snake and that's been it. Thank goodness! There are snakes in the area, but we're doing something right for now.
What we do have a ton of are jumping spiders. Yes, that's their name and that's what they do. Medium sized fuzzy black spiders that will jump if you get too close. Then, you wind up jumping because they jumped. I had one jump on my hair in bed and it took everything I had not to freak out. I'm not scared of spiders, but that doesn't mean I want them in my hair in bed with me!