Monday, June 20, 2022

Two and 102

Today was a disgustingly hot day. We got up to 102 very quickly and now at sunset, it's 95 degrees. I had a hard time getting the donkeys into the barn as this was the first time of the day it felt cool enough to eat hay. Patches is now starting to shed copious amounts and I'm just waiting for Fiona to follow suit. 

Two of our remaining four quail are steadily making eggs now. They heard my thoughts about turning them out and have decided to play nice. Looks like I'll be incubating eggs here shortly for even more quail. 

The concrete guy never showed last week and we talked with our builder and he's getting the bid into us this Friday at the very latest. Yep, we haven't even gotten to the money portion of this fun yet. 

Lately, we close on our old home next Monday. Finally. I think the whole selling should have been handled much differently, but what's done is done. It's only money, right?