Monday, June 13, 2022

Best Part

I know I'm relatively new to farming/ranching/homesteading, however you want to term us. However, this is one of my top three favorite things to do ever: treat time! The other two are welcoming in a new addition to the fold and to welcome a newborn to the fold. While the last one hasn't happened yet, I already know I'm going to love it. 

Anyhow, all of my furry friends love each other and will each find their place near me for treats. The goats aren't quite getting that their treats come later, so I might have to start sneaking them some with everyone together. As you can see from my pic, I'm so happy!

Hopefully soon the weather will break from the heat a bit so I can get back to training them. As of now, we'll just enjoy our special moments when we can.