Fiona does not like the heat and spends most of her time in the barn. The Swar is working pretty well on the flies so she's content. Not in love with her current situation, but making do. She is starting to consider the baby pool which I hope she will finally dip into. Any relief they can get, I'm happy.
The donkeys, who tend to spend more time in the yard with no shade than I'd like, give themselves dust baths and have asked me in their way for me to stop brushing them. Now that the flies are under control, I'm good with that decision.
The goats crack me up though. They frolic outside in the morning and early evening and the rest of the time in the barn. Unlike the others though, they play constantly. What's more, they want the snuggles come treat time. The heat doesn't phase then at all! They're stronger than I am. If I could retrofit the barn to be like Costco's walk in fridges, I would!