Monday, March 13, 2023

Doors To Open

I was told by my builder today to decide on interior doors! Not only that, but hopefully by Friday, it will be time to spray foam insulate the house and then next week get going on sheetrock. Of course, this is all dependent on the plumbers finishing up their stuff by Thursday end of day. Considering they didn't come today and won't be here Wednesday, I'm not getting my hopes too high. Maybe they'll surprise me. 

While we had to go to check out what a knotty alder versus a knotty pine looks like, we also took the opportunity to look at and decide on bathroom tile. Rob wanted his shower to be super sleek and that's one of the very few things I let him decide. Luckily, he chose well. 

We still have a few things to pick out, but mostly we're done and just need it done. I am so very ready to move in, take a long hot bath and then stretch out on a true king sized bed.