Monday, March 27, 2023

False Starts

You never know what you're going to get with a Monday. All this time we've waited for the NRCS to give us the go ahead to get started with removing our mesquite, and now we're told we'll have to wait another year at least. Nope, we've already waited a year and we'd rather stay growing hay in our pasture for the animals than wait. So within the next couple of weeks, that's exactly what's getting done. 

Then there's the sheetrock for the barndo. Little oops there as they got started and no one had called the electricians to put the ductwork in for the air conditioning after the insulation was done. No harm done. The electricians will get started as soon as they can and the sheetrock guys will wait. 

Then we thought we were all ready to get the milking officially under way, but we're missing one thing to get started. It's been ordered and will arrive Wednesday, so only a couple of more days. So we're going to put Monday to bed and try again on everything tomorrow!