Wednesday, March 8, 2023


There's one theme you'll constantly recognize with me and animals, stubbornness. Sometimes I let them have their way, but other times, I'm going to hold my ground. Tonight was a ground holding night. 

As we've had Ciarán and Coorie for almost two months now, I had still yet to really get to pet Coorie. Ciarán is one of those helicopter moms and I let her get away with that for awhile. Tonight though, I needed a win. And a win is what I got. 

Without treats, without protection, I braved the cow stall during feeding to try and brush Coorie. Remember, she has had zero human touch thanks to her mama. While Ciarán was stuffing her face, I cornered Coorie and started brushing all Highlands favorite spot, just behind their horns. That's all it took. After that, she let me continue brushing her, petting her, and loving on her. The poor girl has a ton of matted fur, so I'm going to continue working on her in the days to come and hopefully as well, win over her mom. 

Just ask Rob, when I get my mind on something, no animal is going to best me. I'm more stubborn than any of them, bar none!