Sunday, August 27, 2023

And Sleep

There have been a couple of times in my life where I overdid it and needed days to sleep. I don't mean drank too much or worked out too much, just overdid life. This past weekend, it all caught up to me. 

In college, this happened and I slept three straight days. I wasn't sick, just exhausted. My roommate kept poking me awake to make sure I wasn't dead. She wasn't the greatest roommate, but at least she made sure I kept breathing. 

Several years ago, when I was volunteering a lot, I helped out for a concert and walked the equivalent of eight miles and about twenty flights of stairs. It took me about a week and some prescription strength vitamins to get me back to good. 

I say all this because running a farm, dealing with my teeth and not eating properly, rehearsing for the play, getting the barndo in order and trying to keep up with all my social activities, I hit the wall in the middle of last week. So I've been sleeping a lot this weekend and I'm getting better. Just know, I'm seeming to work more as a lady of leisure than I ever did when I worked full time!

My sweet Sundae, still no babies

1 comment:

  1. I have always said that if you run too hard your body will tell you and if you don't listen, it will shut you down fast and it isn't always pretty. Take care of yourself my friend. The world needs you.
