Monday, August 21, 2023


Do you know what comes out with the intense heat? Every insect, spider and creepy crawly known to man. I'm only terrified of snakes, but that doesn't mean I particularly enjoy the others either. Case in point, we've had a ton of wolf spiders. I guess they travel in packs? Haha

Yes, the spiders are more afraid of me than I am of them, but it's a close contest. I leave them alone, but I keep my eye on them. If I lose one, well then my time outside is done. Luckily, they stay outside. I couldn't handle them inside!

The other pests are the teeniest tiniest ants who magically appear and invade everything. Again, it's the heat driving them, but my goodness they are annoying. If Rob finds one on him, the rest of the night he keeps swatting himself thinking there's more on him. It's fun to watch, but still.