Monday, August 7, 2023

Red Flag Warning

It's unconfirmed how many, but anywhere between two to four wildfires sprung up in our small town today. We're desperately needing rain and cooler temps here!

But emergencies like wildfires show what it's like living in a small town. News travels quickly by word of mouth. Social media actually makes it worse because people start to get confused when they share information of what is the latest. For example, I know of two confirmed fires. You can still see them smoldering, but thank goodness they're contained and will burn out. The other two, I think were based on wrong information like it was so and so's house, when they actually moved to a different area sort of thing. Everyone is pretty much related to everyone around here so it's an easy mistake to make. 

We did drive by one of the still smoldering fires after it was dark and I'm just thankful that was handled so quickly. In our county, everyone pitches in and I even witnessed the fire helicopter heading to the fire. Let's hope we get rain soon!

Coorie and her little sister Callie