Sunday, April 14, 2024

Exit Stage Right

The cast of Superhero Sanitarium gave everyone three really spectacular shows! If you missed it, hopefully you'll see it come to Lometa this summer. But that brings me to big news. Ready? 

Rob and I resigned from the Goldthwaite Theatre tonight. Problems came to a head in February and just kept mounting instead of getting better. I shut out all the offstage drama to be able to give my cast their show. In the meantime, I worked hard to start laying groundwork for a Lometa Community Theater. If all goes well, we'll be approved to do the Superhero Sanitarium at the stage of the school. It's a start. 

Now, my week is essentially wide open. I'm going to relax first and then get my house in order. I've got shedded fur piles larger than my cats around here!