Sunday, September 18, 2022

Bucket System

Originally, we started out keeping the food in bins in their stalls. That worked for awhile, but then the goats became a handful anytime we opened any bin up. Plus, it seemed like we were refilling the bin for the cows every other day which was a lot of carrying. So once we got the pasture perimeter finished, we started the bucket system. There's a reason why everyone does this!

All of our animal feed is locked away in a storage container. Each night, we drive the mule to the container and fill the buckets. Them, we drive into the inner perimeter and start unloading the buckets. The goats are first, donkeys second, cows third, and chickens last. All the animals have learned the mule is the "feed truck" and come to it like we're the ice cream truck to kids. It brings just as much fun and delight as an ice cream truck does, too!

And although I've shared on Facebook, I'm sharing here as well. Yesterday, I was able to halter Fergus and lead him into the barn! I'm getting the hang of being a country girl.