Thursday, September 22, 2022

Limited Hope

Ok, the vet came late last night and he and his assistant gave grim faces. They pushed on his back, got his temperature, and then gave him two shots. They said it's either a pinched nerve or cerebrocortical necrosis. The first he'll heal from, the other he won't. No blood was drawn or x-rays taken. No questions about feed or changes in environment. That was it. He's literally the only vet who can make house calls for us at this time unless we can get him to a vet in Belton. He said in 24 hours, he should walk again. It's been almost 22 and nothing yet. However, it was an incredibly hot day today and none of our cows moved around much. 

So, we're extending the 24 hours to test some other theories I've researched. As he only has weakness in his limbs and absolutely no other issues, we're getting our farrier out to trim his overgrown hooves and to help support him to try to stand. Our farrier used to ride bulls, he's strong and hearty and wants to help us save Fergus. We'll keep hand feeding him until this weekend and hope his overgrown hooves are too painful and that's why he's not walking around. It's worth a shot. 

The good news though, we closed on the barndo loan today and get to start building in the morning! The land will be cleared and plotted tomorrow and next week behind the foundation work. It's finally happening!