Monday, September 26, 2022

My Wee Cow

While we are waiting for the vet to see us and help put Fergus out of his misery, my wee cow Fiona (she likes to be called that) showed me how much she's living. Saturday night, she ran with the donkeys in the pasture. Tonight, she ran by herself in the pasture and even bucked like a bronco some. I don't think Fiona understands she is a large, heavyset heifer! It just tickles me to watch her enjoy herself. 

She is trying to distance herself from Fergus though. She knows he's slipping away and she doesn't want to be anywhere near that. I never thought I would share an emotion with a cow, but Fiona and I are in sync with this. It's so hard for me to watch him fading away. He keeps trying to stand up, but he keeps getting weaker. Tomorrow, I'm going to get some high calorie supplements for him as I think he's hungrier than what we're feeding him. We keep bringing him hay and grain, but it doesn't seem to be enough. 

Oh well, the circle of life continues. Fiona will frolic in the pasture, Flora will literally be in the middle wanting to be near Fergus, but to also watch the fun. The goats and the donkeys are playing their own ways, but they do tend to give wide berth with Fiona gets her zoomies!

She found she enjoys the leaves of this tree/bush. She didn't really eat any, just enjoyed pulling the leaves off