Sunday, September 25, 2022

Fergus & The Farrier

Well, our farrier came out Saturday to see if Fergus' difficulty standing had something to do with his hooves. Unfortunately, it wasn't. He's lost a lot of weight as well, that was hidden underneath his wonderfully shaggy coat. But no, Fergus has completely lost the use of his back two legs. He barely has use of his front two now. 

Tomorrow, we'll be calling the vet to make arrangements to have his blood taken and for him to be humanely put down. The blood test is for our piece of mind that he isn't contagious to the others. We're going to miss our guy so much, but I'm not going to let him suffer. He'll always have a special place in my heart. 

I have given him loads of loving and pets. Rob has hand fed and watered him every couple of hours throughout the last few days. And while I hate to say it, it does need to be addressed. We will not be butchering Fergus as we don't know why this has happened to him. For those who actually know me though, you'll know Fergus was never intended as a meat source for us. He was going to sure a herd. Now, we'll discuss our next steps pertaining to the Highland aspect of our farm.