Then our builder came by and I helped him cordon off the land! We're finally starting to get things going. After that, we had to go run errands before picking up Bobby Sue. She's a beauty of a Ford 2000 tractor that's been rebuilt and repainted. While the tractor was delivered, I managed to make a deal to trade our junked out mule (the one bought at auction that died) for a shredder attachment for our tractor. Not bad for a day's work.
As for Fergus, he moves a little at a time and has gotten himself back in the barn. He's considered an "alert downer" which means he's not bloated and that he's eating and drinking well. We bought him some better feed today with lots of vitamins, so we'll see if it works. We'll still be taking him to the vet, but I'm hoping by his own four feet and not us somehow lifting him there.