Tuesday, November 28, 2023


One thing about Rob and me, is if we make a commitment, we stick to it. If we say we're going to pay someone, we pay. If we say we're going to host something, we host. If we say we're going to attend a meeting, we attend. If something happens where we can't fully fulfill our commitment, we go above and beyond to make it right. 

Case in point, I had several commitments today and while I couldn't be everywhere at once, I made sure all commitments were satisfied to the best of my ability. We did an inventory this morning in Goldthwaite. Came back home so Rob could go to the dentist in Lampasas. Then I dropped off the food and prizes for the bunco game I was hosting before driving back to Goldthwaite for a theatre board meeting. Throughout the day, I fulfilled my promise to buy poinsettias from the school fundraiser, handled my own affairs, and made sure anyone who needed me was taken care of. It's exhausting, but it's a commitment and unless I'm committed (to a penitentiary or a looney bin), then I'm getting it done. 

Oh yeah, the animals were fed and played with, too! I'll never forget my babies!

Coorie giving the alarm that food is served