Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Foaming At The Walls

If you ever have a chance to do so, choose spray foam insulation to your house. We're in that part of Texas fall where it's cold in the mornings then hot in the afternoons. In all the other places we've lived, which incidentally didn't have spray foam insulation, we were never comfortable. Now, it stays a pretty constant temperature all the time. It would probably stay the exact same temperature if we weren't constantly opening and closing the doors for the pups!

You know how I said we were going to try to be local this week? Yeah, so far we've failed that. Not including Rob going to Austin for work, we've also been to Lampasas, Copperas Cove, and Goldthwaite. Tomorrow is Adamsville, but maybe Friday? We're enjoying it and thankfully driving the Mistress is a blast. 

All the animals are doing good. We're going to try to de-burr Teddy tonight, so wish us luck!